Friday, December 2, 2011

100 Days of Thanks

I am challenging myself.  After a rough few weeks, if not months of feeling insane, angry, resentment, sadness and just well all over the place, I decided I needed to really try to focus to get myself out of this.  So I took the week prior to Thanksgiving to start my week countdown of what I am thankful for.  First thing in the morning, I pick one item and write it down.  After putting together my 7 days of thanks, I have decided why not make it my way to start each day.  What a way to begin each day in a positive manner and remember that despite no matter what may be going on there is something to be thankful for.  So here it goes:

  1. for my amazing husband who stands by me no matter how crazy things (or I) get.
  2. for my friends, old and new. I have the best ones on earth. always there when I need them. thanks for lifting me up, holding me through, making me laugh, showing me my mistakes and just making me a better person
  3. For our amazing kids - each unique and so special. So proud and so crazy loved.
  4. for my family - all my crazy relatives, incredible parents, grandparents, aunts/uncles cousins. All so supportive and so fun. I am lucky to have so much love.
  5. today is an old friends birthday. One no longer with us and someone who helped change my life. Today I am especially thankful for knowing him and will be forever grateful for all he has done for our family.
  6. for my home, I am lucky to have the house we have but most of all that's it home. It may not be the cleanest, most modern and needs a lot of TLC - but no matter our zip code we always try to keep it full of warmth, love laughter and fun.
  7. for my freedoms and safe community. Easy to take for granted but very thankful for it and those who serve to protect them both.
  8. Today, I will dare to say I am thankful for the heartache, the past, the worst days that all built me stronger and that ultimately brought me to the place I am now.
Happy Thanksgiving.... and looking forward to making each day a day of thanks.

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